It's Now or Never

There's no next time, it's now or never

The time to take action should be now. Not later, not tomorrow and not some other time. Procrastination is a sin. If you can do something today, better do it now. You will never know what might happen if you don’t do it. If you don’t do it, you will lose the chance forever. Time is fast. It hurts to think about what ifs. So for you not to have what ifs, better do it now. Our world will be much better place if everyone will move now. Anyone can do something big, especially if they don’t delay it. What are you doing? Do something now! 

Loving back the ones who Care

I don't have time to hate people who hate me because I'm too busy loving people who loves me

Whatever you do, there will still be people who will not like you. Do not spend your time hating back these people because there are more people who are worth your time. Minding your haters will just make your life miserable. These kinds of people have miserable lives and they pass this by making the lives of others miserable. People who loves and cares about you deserves all your time. They are making your life worth living so you should do the same to their lives. If you take for granted people who love you, you might possibly lose them. 

It's not that life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as expected. I just choose to be happy and grateful no matter how it all turns out

Many people blame their unhappiness to life’s circumstances. They don’t realize that happiness is a choice. Life is a matter of perspective. You may have the best things in life, but if your attitude is ungrateful you will never be happy. Choose to look at life positively. There are people who look to be less fortunate, but they still have the attitude to be grateful and happy. This makes their life worthwhile. It’s not about the circumstances that happen to you, it’s how you react to the circumstances. There will always be problems as long as we live, but we can still choose to be happy despite the problems. 

Dear stress, let's break up

Our modern life is so busy that stress tends to visit us every now and then. The secret to having a stress free life is to leave it. Being stressed is a choice; there are several ways to avoid it. Don’t linger on something that stresses you. If you know that someone or something will stress you, escape it altogether. Do not sweat the small stuff. If you can’t do anything about something, the best thing for you to do is accept it. Manage your time, most stress are caused by poorly managed time. Do the right thing the very first time. 

Who gossips to you will gossip about you

Be careful on being friends with people who gossips. If it is their nature to gossip, no one is exempted. If someone badmouths about somebody to you, there is a big possibility that he or she will also talk gossip about you to other people. There are several proverbs about gossipers on the bible. There is no good a gossip will do. If someone gossips to you, the best thing to do is to stop the gossip with you and avoid the person. According to Frank A. Clark, gossip needn't be false to be evil, there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around.  

Every girl has the unique type of guy, love, story, frustration and heartache. But one thing in common, the way they cry over the wrong guy

It’s funny how girls waste their tears over the wrong guys. Perhaps every girl has her story of crying so much because of a man who doesn’t even deserve her. The right guy for a lady is someone who sees her worth. If a guy sees the worth of a girl, he will not intentionally do something that will hurt a girl. He will keep the girl from crying a single tear. He will protect the girl in all ways he can. But wrong guys don’t see this. They take the girls for granted since they don’t even care about the girl’s feelings. 

Do more of what makes you happy

Happiness has outstanding benefits proven by several studies. However, few of us do what really makes us happy. Most of the time, we do what they tell us to do or we do what gives us money. A well lived life is not a financially rich life. Money can’t buy happiness is a cliché, but it is indeed very true. If you have all the money in the world but you are unhappy, it would be useless. When you grow old and look back on your life, will you be contented because you did everything that made you happy or will you regret because you failed to do the things that might made you happy?

True love is like a man playing chess, always afraid of losing his queen

A friend once told me, the man in a relationship must be the one loving more. I believe her. The man must be the one who takes effort to keep her girl. Just like in the game of chess. The player takes all effort to protect the queen. Even if it means sacrificing other pieces just to save the queen. If the player loses the queen, he might as well lose it all. True love must not be taken for granted. Even if the couple is so in love, there must still be precautions done to keep the love alive. Each of the couple must be very careful on their words and actions. 

Let no one ever come to you without leaving better or happier

One of the main reasons for our existence is to help others. There is always a way to make someone feel better. Often times, they don’t need our money. Our time to listen, care and love works most of the time. Let those who are close to you feel better or happier because you are with them. Even strangers can be better because of you. Time is fast and we only live once, so take every opportunity to leave a smile on someone’s face or to let someone’s heart feel warmer. Allow every person who comes and leaves your life feel improved because of you.

Never get jealous when you see your ex with someone else, because our parents taught us to give our used toys to the less fortunate

Leave the things of the past and move forward. If you still get jealous of seeing your past lover with someone else, then maybe you still love that person. There is a reason why the two of you parted ways. That means he or she is better left with someone he or she deserves. You deserve much better. That person who is currently going out with your ex might need your ex badly. So you might as well give them the chance to be happy. Besides, you are the first. So you got the better of him or her. Leave what is left to the poor current lover. 

Long Distance relationship

Distance never separates two hearts that really cares

They say distance makes the heart grow fonder. The space between two lovers doesn’t matter ifthey are truly in love. The distance only makes each of the couple care more about the other. Even if miles apart, two persons who cares for each other still will feel each other’s presence. They might be separated physically, but never in mind and heart. True love will prevent suspicions that might result from distance. True love is founded by trust. When you love a person, you will trust him or her no matter how far she or he may go and no matter how long will it be. 

Always Hope but Never Expect

Being hopeful means you are looking forward to something despite the circumstances. In times of challenges and difficulties, hoping is what keeps us going. However, being hopeful must not be mistaken as expectation. Expecting something can be frustrating if it doesn’t come true. When you are hopeful, you believe that there is still a chance for something or someone even if it doesn’t seem that way. When you expect, you are 100 percent that it will come true. This will lead to hurt feelings and disappointment if it happens the other way. It’s good to hope without expectation. But hoping must be coupled with actions.