“If you want to feel rich, just count all the gifts you have that money can’t buy.”

In this world, it is common misconception that money is everything. Yes, richness can provide comfort, pleasure and power. However, there are certain things in life that are priceless. Take your family and friends for example; you don’t need money or power to have them. They are your most precious gifts in life that with or without money, will always be there for you. That alone is enough reason, to be considered lucky and rich. Not on material things but with love, comfort, power and care that no matter how much money you have, it will never compare to what you have.


  1. The best gift in life is the one that money can't buy. Thumbs up to this.

  2. True about this is that its not only material things will make you rich but if we can only see the love from the small things, were gonna be totally rich everyday.

  3. There are a lot of things to be greatful about. Count your blessings. Count your life as the greatest blessing.
