
Dear stress, let's break up

Our modern life is so busy that stress tends to visit us every now and then. The secret to having a stress free life is to leave it. Being stressed is a choice; there are several ways to avoid it. Don’t linger on something that stresses you. If you know that someone or something will stress you, escape it altogether. Do not sweat the small stuff. If you can’t do anything about something, the best thing for you to do is accept it. Manage your time, most stress are caused by poorly managed time. Do the right thing the very first time. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The picture is so funny, and I will post it on facebook. Very well said and the only thing is to manage and how you can handle the stress.

  3. I also wants to break up with my stress hehe. Well there's so many ways to remove stress like mediating or doing yoga.

  4. Stress can ruin your health and everyday activities. Start your day
    with a smile and get rid of negative thoughts. Think positive at all times :)

  5. i need this! lets break up now :)
