
It's not that life has been easy, perfect, or exactly as expected. I just choose to be happy and grateful no matter how it all turns out

Many people blame their unhappiness to life’s circumstances. They don’t realize that happiness is a choice. Life is a matter of perspective. You may have the best things in life, but if your attitude is ungrateful you will never be happy. Choose to look at life positively. There are people who look to be less fortunate, but they still have the attitude to be grateful and happy. This makes their life worthwhile. It’s not about the circumstances that happen to you, it’s how you react to the circumstances. There will always be problems as long as we live, but we can still choose to be happy despite the problems. 


  1. YAY! There is our quote from Jan 2012! :) We're seeing it on pinterest and other blogs lately! Love passing on the message!

  2. Love this post! very interesting!

  3. True happiness is a choice and it always be.

  4. Life is unfair. You have to be contented and grateful for what you have
    and just be thankful for all the graces you received. Life is beautiful and God is Good.

  5. True, we just have to be positive, positive outlook.
