
Who gossips to you will gossip about you

Be careful on being friends with people who gossips. If it is their nature to gossip, no one is exempted. If someone badmouths about somebody to you, there is a big possibility that he or she will also talk gossip about you to other people. There are several proverbs about gossipers on the bible. There is no good a gossip will do. If someone gossips to you, the best thing to do is to stop the gossip with you and avoid the person. According to Frank A. Clark, gossip needn't be false to be evil, there's a lot of truth that shouldn't be passed around.  


  1. Yeah! So follow the golden rule. do not do unto others what they want to do unto you! ?thanks for this wonderful blog post...

  2. We cant avoid people to keep gossiping because they're bored, but its also true that some truth cant just passed around.

  3. Gossip can ruin a person reputation. Stay away from unhappy and
    insecure individuals. They are not so called "friends".

  4. This only manifests, he/she is not worth your trust.
