The power of a smile can sometimes be underrated. In line with this, a smile or a laugh can go a long way specially when you’re down and weary. It relives heartache, a loss, or failures. They are your greatest tool to get you up in sad situations. It becomes more effective if you do it with someone close to you like a friend or a loved one. The more you smile the more you affect in this matter. You will be like a contagious disease that affects many in an instant.  Smile brings happiness to you and the people around you. Never underestimate the power of a smile or a laugh.


  1. you're right smile will relieve stress. It makes us worry free of our bad times in life.

  2. Everyone feels like blooming when they’re happy and I agree that it’s also relives heartache, a loss, or failures.

  3. Smile and you will take all the worries away.
