I remember once. Someone in the past who was very dear to my heart once told me one rainy afternoon. He loves me, but he needs to let go. I was definitely caught off guard. I didn’t understand. Why would you leave somebody if you love him or her? Or is it just an excuse to make the separation easier especially for me? It was truly a heartbreaker. The pain was really real and it cuts so deep into my soul to the point that I led myself to believe that love does more hurts and pains than joy and bliss. But I realized that I should not stop believing in love because "love doesn’t walk away, people do."


  1. apparently this one really strikes! Like it!!

  2. Nice! It's always a choice and all of people's decision really matters.

  3. right, don't stop believing in love.. love is kind and patient..God will give you the right man in a right time :)
