
"I'm sorry"

I'm so sorry for giving up everything I have just for you.
Sorry for being there when you needed me even when you can’t be there at times that I looked-for you. 
Sorry for taking risks just to be with you when I’m still at work.
Sorry if I’m too clingy.
Sorry if I don’t go with my friends anymore because you don’t want to.
Sorry if all I ever wanted was for you to be honest.
Sorry for asking you if you love me.
For not giving up on us when you feel like not holding on anymore;
for reminding you to build your dreams for our future.
Sorry for holding on this long.
Sorry for loving you too much that I forget to love myself.
Sorry If I chose to love you with all of me.

P.S for yab2


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. True. People are having tough times saying this word.

  3. Is this a poem? Well if yes this is so nice. I can relate on this one, I made allot of mistake for my love ones and for myself too. I hope sorry is enough to lighten those pain.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Yes, this is a message for the one I L♥ve. SOrry for including it here :D

  6. beautiful poem, very touching and sincere...
    i love the part...
    "Sorry if I don’t go with my friends anymore because you don’t want to"
    I did that, in the name of love ;)

  7. just two words, but of the times hard to say.

  8. Two words is enough to show that you care.

  9. I noticed my husband usually got this anxiety of hanging out with his other friends on weekends. My husband of 5 years went out of town with a couple of his friends on a certain weekend. I decided to know what was going on after noticing his strange attitude. I came in contact with hacksecrete@gmail .com after stumbling upon a post of a woman who spoke so well of how he helped her in her situation. I reached out to him for help and he was able to remotely access my husband's WhatsApp, text messages, location tracker and phone calls. He got this done in a twinkle of an eye and I was able to see all of his info. I discovered he's been seeing another woman. I went to her Facebook profile to see if she posted any new pics or whatever and noticed that this same woman liked almost every status she posted. she never commented. You can also reach him via whatsapp or text on +1 (774) 202-9445
