
"Good things come to those who wait."

It’s like saying patience is a virtue, because in this world everything has its time. Whether you are waiting for your one true love, perfect career, your dream car, grandiose house, everything will just come into its place sooner or later. At the right time, the fruits of your labor will be ripe enough to harvest, and when you do, it will taste its sweetest. So don’t give up. Don’t lose faith. God loves you and he desires only the best for you. Your time will come and all your heart’s desire will come to true.


  1. I am worth the wait!! love it!!

  2. Very nice and people with a patient attitude always get what they want because they all deserve it.

  3. great blessings from GOD come to those people who are patiently waiting and when the right time comes, success and happiness for YOU...

  4. Yes, wait for the best for ti will really come.
