
It's Now or Never

There's no next time, it's now or never

The time to take action should be now. Not later, not tomorrow and not some other time. Procrastination is a sin. If you can do something today, better do it now. You will never know what might happen if you don’t do it. If you don’t do it, you will lose the chance forever. Time is fast. It hurts to think about what ifs. So for you not to have what ifs, better do it now. Our world will be much better place if everyone will move now. Anyone can do something big, especially if they don’t delay it. What are you doing? Do something now! 


  1. I agree! Life is so uncertain, why not doing today what you can today! I love this blog post...

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  2. This is what YOLO means "you only live once" and this is true, people at least take all the chances because life is once in a lifetime.

  3. Life is short. Live life to the fullest.
    Say NO to procrastination, it might ruin everything that you have started.

  4. Don't do tomorrow what you can do today.

  5. People failed due to procrastination.

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